Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Room Layout

So far I have looked into two styles of floor layout.

The closed layout follows a windy path with the work set around the visitor. The only direction for the visitor is to follow this path till they reach the far end of the exhibit. As it could be hard for the visitor to take in all information the work could be split into 3 sections that are based between the 2 walls. This would allow them to concentrate on a particular wall, then as they finish viewing them the next section would appear on the opposite wall.
Last week Dan from one of the other groups mentioned about using light to attract people to each of the displays and having a lack of light around the work. I believe this could work and using a simple spot light that does not cost alot - these could be situated around the work to give a similar impression. It keeps the focus on specific areas and if succesful make the visitor want to explore further into the exhibition.

The problem that I can see from having such a floor layout is it may feel clostraphobic to the visitors which would reduce their enjoyment and satisfaction levels during the exhibition.

The second floor layout that I propose is a more spaced out style. It would allow us to utilise maximum space within the room. With the layout allowing the visitor to choose what work to display next it would hopefully offer a more relaxing mood to their visit.

The problems that could arise from such a layout is that the visitor may miss work or not take all the information due to the vast amoutn of work around them.
Another problem is using suitable displays that would be safe within the themes so that there isn't any health and safety issues.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael,

    Based in your floor planning I think the first idea is better. The reason is that the first one is more orgaized than the second one. Remember you can guide people without the use of walls. You can do it through graphics or even the same disposition of the pieces you are exhibiting (if your concern is to make people feel trapped in your show). Also remember that you will exhibit a considerable amount of work, so you have to be careful how you present them to the visitors. If you do it without any order, they can feel confused and loose interest quite fast. I think the first one gives more guidance of the order or sequence of the visit.
