Sunday, 7 February 2010

Theme - Natural Mosaic

Martin had previously expressed an idea to use a natural theme to based the exhibition upon. This would require decorating the exhibition room in artificial plantations.

The work would be situated on the walls as well as on display stands. So that the stands do not ditract from the surroundings, these would be decorated aswell to blend in.

The idea is to give a calm surround for the viewing public, this is to entice them to take their time when viewing the work and not overlook what they are seeing.

With the use of 2D & 3D work, this will enable the displays to stand out, to make it easily understandable as to what the focus should be on.

There are many ways in wich the theme could be designed. In terms of the floor space around the work, this could be designed to give the impression of a forest. Using natural sticks, leaves and flowers as decoration and green felt and cloth as underlining to make it easier to pack away and clean up when finished with.

The only problem with using natural objects is that they may start to rot within a warm exhibition room so as an alternative I have managed to find suppliers of artificial plantations, grass and leaves.

To decorate the walls, the initial idea was to use natural based mosaic tiles. Green/ brown around the flooring to resemble the ground, then blue to resemble sky, and orange/ yeloow/ red for the sun.

The major issue with this is the cost. It would be almost impossible to retile an entire exhibition room with the small amount of time that we have. A direct alternative would be to use card, or even polystyrene. The issue with this is how effective it would be to fit in alongside the surrounding work and props.

This natural theme would work similar to that of a stage setting in a theatre (picture to follow shortly)

If this idea is deemed not suitable then the alternative way of deocrating the walls around the work is using draped material (such as the example below on a larger scale).

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